May 29, 2022

Why Winter May Be the Best Time to Move

Though it may not seem like it, winter is actually a great time to move! Winter is usually a quieter time of the year for moving companies with the heaviest volume of moves occurring in the Spring and Summer. How does this benefit you? Lower moving costs! Most moving companies tend to charge less in the winter months because of decreased demand. If you are planning a move within a tight budget, moving in the late fall and winter is a great way for you to get a quality move at a lower cost.

Because moving companies are not as busy, they can also be a bit more flexible with your move dates. Have a tough work schedule? Need storage for a week during a home overlap? Movers can be more creative and flexible with handling unique situations during the winter months. It’s easier to accommodate these needs when the moving companies have more time to plan and coordinate your move.

If you are making an interstate move, not only does it have the potential to cost less in the winter months, your goods will probably arrive sooner. During the summer, all moving companies expand their delivery windows in order to accommodate the increased volume of shipments. During the winter, the delivery windows are shorter, meaning you’ll have a much better idea of the arrival date.

If you plan to rent a new home or apartment, many complexes offer lease specials in February and March. These are typically slower months for the rental industry as well and they try to incentivize new renters during tax return season!
Here a few things to keep in mind for a winter move:

  • Make sure your exterior stairs and major walkways are cleared and salted prior to the move crew arriving. Having those clear helps to ensure a quick and safe move day!
  • Your doors will be open for most of the day, which could potentially allow in a lot of cold air into your home, make sure you set your home temperature accordingly.
  • During your in-home survey, the sales representative will talk to you about truck access, where the truck will park, and etc. Keep in mind that weather can affect your moving plans between your in-home survey and move day. A semi that may be able to park in certain areas during dry weather could be denied access due to large snow accumulations or plowed snow build ups, which might change logistics on move day. It’s important to talk with your sales representative about back up plans should we receive a large snow fall close to your move date.
  • Local moves are based on time and materials used on move day. Road conditions, getting to and from due to snow, could impact the length of the day.
  • We rarely need to reschedule moves due to weather. We understand you have closing dates, travel plans, etc., that need to be kept. However, if you are flexible and choose to reschedule due to weather, it is best to contact your move coordinator as soon as possible.

Although you can’t always plan when a move will happen, organizing a move in the late fall and winter months can have its advantages. Contact us today for your FREE, in-home estimate!

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